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Questions tagged [annotations]

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Is there an annotation converter from Bookari (Mantano) to Moon+ Reader?

I recently change my old tablet with Android 10 for a new one with Android 14. In the old one I have a lot of ebooks (epub and pdf) which I read with Bookari 4.2.4 and I have a lot of notes in them. ...
yang61's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Where does Calibre E-book viewer store annotations?

When I open an EPUB file, a JSON file is created in ~/.config/calibre/viewer/annots/ with information such as last position, highlights/annotations etc. However, if I delete the JSON files from viewer/...
Ratler's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Ebooks that allow handwritten notes

Is there a place to buy ebooks that allow handwritten notes in the apps used to read them? I'm considering buying etextbooks, and want to be able to write handwritten notes in them with a wacom pad. ...
user14094230's user avatar
2 votes
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Any E-Readers suggestions that supports ACSM books and scribbles / drawings?

As titled, I have recently bought a couple of books across platforms that are ACSM-encrypted, and would like to see if there is any E-Readers that supports drawing annotations. I have tried several ...
panlidorith's user avatar
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Highlights and notes are not save to my Clipping file

I regularly delete the My Clippings file in my Kindle when it gets too big. Usually a new one appears the next time I make a highlight or a note, containing just that one highlight or note. However, ...
carllacan's user avatar
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Exporting/saving annotations and highlights for DRM-free book on Kindle Fire

I have a DRM-free book on my Kindle Fire that I’d like to annotate, but before I make that effort I want to make sure I can save/export the annotations and highlights. So far as I can tell, this is in ...
mhartl's user avatar
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Syncing highlights made on kindle with kindle for Mac

I have a Kindle Paperwhite, on which I've transferred books from my Mac using calibre. While reading on my kindle, I've made some notes and highlights. How do I go about syncing these highlights and ...
Neeraj Kulkarni's user avatar
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Export annotations from (non Amazon) book on kindle

I imported a manuscript (not published by Amazon, or anyone else, at least yet) into my Kindle and used the annotation feature to note down corrections to be made. I would now like to send the ...
muzzle's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Is there an epub reader for a PC which lets the user take notes?

I was asked if there is some software for a PC for reading ebooks (in epub format) and take notes in them. If I have ever to browse an ebook on a PC I use the reader in Calibre which does not offer ...
mau's user avatar
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Linking to the same reference many times (instead of writing it over and over), while inserting each time a page number to it: possible?

I am writing an ebook and I'm referring to several books many times. I could use the regular notes section and cite the book 20 times per chapter, but it's cumbersome. What's the smartest way to deal ...
JinSnow's user avatar
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Reading annotations in Calibre

I have installed the Annotations plugin for Calibre. I have added an annotated ebook from my Kobo Aura H2O device to my Calibre library. Then I imported annotations from the device and Calibre said ...
Gergely's user avatar
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Programming Sigil for importing annotations

I was advised to use Sigil for manipulating an epub file. My idea is to get highlighting from my Kobo ebook reader from its sqlite database and put it into the epub file so that I could see my ...
Gergely's user avatar
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how to extract notes from a mobi book?

How can I extract highlighted text, stored in a .mbp file? This specific book was sent to the Kindle as a .mobi converted from an EPUB. Is there maybe an operation to regenerate My Clippings? Or, ...
Thufir's user avatar
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Kindle text editor?

Take note has a nice interface: But how do I install onto a seventh generation basic Kindle? (Not fire, not paperwhite, just "regular".) Would love a simple text editor outside of adding notes to a ...
Thufir's user avatar
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How to merge margin notes from an ePub book to a modified version of the same book in GPB

I started reading an eBook and doing my normal annotations routine and later on discovered that the book could be greatly improved by adding a table of contents, a cover image, etc. I'm wondering if I ...
jxramos's user avatar
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Google Play Books unable to save margin note

I just bought a new eBook a few moments ago and I went to mark a note for when I began reading it, something I've been in the habit of for many years. I go to save it and there's a problem without ...
jxramos's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I make my highlights span multiple pages in Google Play? [duplicate]

I highlight my books a lot. When I come to a real articulate statement that spans multiple pages sometimes I rotate the screen to reach the end of the text of interest. However even that technique ...
jxramos's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Can you suggest an advanced ereader application for textbooks?

I need an ereader application that can be effectively used with textbooks; it should support features like note taking, searching, highlighting, and organizing books of any format (EPUB, PDF). What ...
zeroRooter's user avatar
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How to adapt annotations from an old edition book to a new edition book?

I like to write notes on ebooks for reorganizing the topics and for helping with my understanding. One question which I have with this way is that: when a newer edition of the same book comes out, ...
Tim's user avatar
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2 answers

How to convert Kindle format (.mobi or .azw) with annotations to PDF?

I'm looking for a way to convert a Kindle book, with several annotations in it, to PDF format, so that my annotations are also saved in the PDF file. Converting from .mobi or .azw to PDF seems pretty ...
flen's user avatar
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3 answers

Annotating/highlighting passages spanning page boundaries

I frequently highlight or otherwise annotate selections in ebooks, and I've yet to run across a reader that supports highlighting a selection that runs into the next page--usually I must create two ...
Shon's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Annotation of non-Amazon books on Kindle Paperwhite

What I know: Using e.g., Calibre, I can put E-Books which I bought in other stores than Amazon onto a Kindle Paperwhite (2013). Also, the Paperwhite supports PDF reading. My Question is: Can I ...
Christian's user avatar
7 votes
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Transfer highlights in side-loaded book from Kindle to Android

I have a side-loaded book on my Kindle and make highlights in it while reading. Is it possible to transfer the highlights to my Android so that they appear in the same places in the book when opened ...
axk's user avatar
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Shortcut to save a note on Kindle for PC/MAC?

Whenever I want to save a note after I've finished typing on Kindle for PC/MAC I have to click on the "save" button by hand, which is very inconvenient. Is there a shortcut specifically designed for ...
xji's user avatar
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Synch Kindle's bookmarks and notes

A few weeks ago I bought a book in Amazon and was using KindleForPC to read it. I was making notes and highlights and it was synching. After reading some pages I downloaded Kindle for Android, and ...
Hikari's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

The content of "My Clippings" file are not shown when in the book

I have written some notes and highlighted some parts of one of my e-books on kindle. I can see those notes and highlights when I open the "My Clippings" file. But when I open the book, and try to see ...
Meysam's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Is there an ebook format that stores annotations in the ebook file itself?

I believe .epub and .mobi files both don't support annotations. Which is unfortunate since they are some of the most popular formats. It looks like Kindle supports adding notes to ebooks but they are ...
Steve Moser's user avatar
14 votes
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Automatic transfer of annotations in sideloaded book in Nook Android app

I have a couple non-Nook Android devices with the Nook app installed on them -- a tablet and a phone -- and several epub books that I read and annotated on the tablet. I was surprised, when I copied ...
echristopherson's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Syncing kindle book annotations (non Amazon books) across kindle apps

I buy Kindle Manning + O'Reilly books as they tend to be cheaper than the ones on Amazon. Can I sync annotations (e.g. notes, highlights) between Kindle apps (PC, tablet, etc.) ?
cs0815's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to share annotations between a Kobo Glo and Calibre Viewer?

Is it possible to share annotations between a Kobo device (I own a Glo, but it should not matter I think) and Calibre internal viewer? I'm aware that there is a plugin for Calibre that can export ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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16 votes
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Is there any open standard for ebook notes format?

Is there any open or semi-open standard for ebook and notes/highlighting storage/format which is used by multiple ebook reader vendors and/or ebook reader software?
palacsint's user avatar
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Migration path for Sony PRS-650 notes

I've a Sony PRS-650 with lots of notes (highlighted text in books). Is there any tool which can migrate these notes to other ebook readers' format or is there any other e-book reader which supports ...
palacsint's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Extracting notes and highlighting from Kindle books

Is there a way to extract/export my notes and highlighted passages from books on a Kindle or in one of the Kindle reader apps? I primarily use the iOS apps and tend to mark up books heavily as I go, ...
elixenide's user avatar
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