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Synch Kindle's bookmarks and notes

A few weeks ago I bought a book in Amazon and was using KindleForPC to read it. I was making notes and highlights and it was synching. After reading some pages I downloaded Kindle for Android, and ...
Hikari's user avatar
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14 votes
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Automatic transfer of annotations in sideloaded book in Nook Android app

I have a couple non-Nook Android devices with the Nook app installed on them -- a tablet and a phone -- and several epub books that I read and annotated on the tablet. I was surprised, when I copied ...
echristopherson's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to share annotations between a Kobo Glo and Calibre Viewer?

Is it possible to share annotations between a Kobo device (I own a Glo, but it should not matter I think) and Calibre internal viewer? I'm aware that there is a plugin for Calibre that can export ...
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