In epub and kindle css, you can specify a fallback font by specifying
p {font-family: "Georgia", serif}
h1 {font-family: "Helvetica", sans-serif}
If various reading systems have defaults for serif and sans-serif, can you tell me what they are?
I.E. Kindle e-ink, Kindle android app, Google Play Books, ibooks, Kobo, Adobe DE.
On a related question, can I assume that all titles are in the default sans-serif font? When a customer overrides publisher defaults and chooses a certain font (like Bookerly on kindle), does that leave the title fonts still in the default sans-serif?
UPDATE: Someone on KDP forum has confirmed that user-selected fonts for kindle systems are the same for body fonts and heading font. Therefore, you would need to specify a heading font if you want it to be different.
UPDATE 2 I encourage people to post fonts existing on the mobile devices or reading systems that they have. Please indicate whether there is an option to specify Publisher Defaults on the reading system. Also, if you have any insight as to which font would be considered the default Serif or Sans Serif choice by the reading system, please mention it. Thanks!
UPDATE 3 (5/2017) A commenter has pointed out that some Amazon Kindle devices are using fonts for Indic languages written in Bengali/Devanagari/Gujarati/Kannada/Malayalam/Tamil/Telugu. On the device this font is referred to as "Noto Sans." Noto is a multilingual font developed and supported by Google, but Amazon has only used portions of this Noto font for Indian languages. I have seen no official announcement yet.