The new Triton display by eInk Technologies allows eInk screens to display color. This would be very useful for features like images and highlighting. Is it a viable option for mainstream ereader displays? Specifically,

  • Does it significantly lower battery life?
  • Does it affect reading quality (e.g. blurrier or more artifacts)?
  • Would it require too much of a price increase?

An answer from someone who has an Ectaco Jetbook Color would be very helpful.

1 Answer 1


The Triton display is an E Ink display so it should greatly reduced power consumption when compared to a conventional LCD display. According to the E Ink website the Triton display has a similar crispness as an monochrome E Ink display. The price for the Ectaco Jetbook Color using this display is $499.95. However the price of future color E Ink displays could decrease.

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