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Questions tagged [e-ink]

Display technology that attempts to mimic the appearance of ink on paper. E-ink displays are bistable - they retain their state without a power source.

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E-Reader with decent browser for rendering openHAB dashboard

I'm running openHAB on my Raspberry Pi 4 with several dashboards. Now I want to display one of these dashboards on an E-Ink display and I'm looking for a good device. The openHAB dashboard is just a ...
mu88's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Power consumption of color e-ink?

What is the power consumption in color e-ink based devices compared to black e-ink ones? Do the same principles apply here (for example, when image is still there is no power drain at all)? To given ...
greenoldman's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Things to consider for choosing an e-ink pdf ereader for science books and papers

I have taken a look at A4 size e-ink ebook readers for pdf files. I have found five models: SONY DPT RP1 Good e-reader 13.3" Onyx Boox Max Carta Dasung Icarus A4 And there is Remarkable, but that ...
Gergely's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Does a screensaver serve any purpose on eink displays?

I have a Hanvon ereader with a first generation Vizplex E-ink display. The device comes with a screensaver, which just loads some pictures after some time. Does this serve a purpose, such as to ...
Village's user avatar
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Cheap Hackable e-ink ebook reader [closed]

I'm looking for a seriously cheap ebook reader that is hackable. I want to turn it into a bed-side alarm clock. Someone mentioned Onyx Boox, but there's 3 problems with them, (1) way too big, (2) ...
Jim's user avatar
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Kindle paperwhite screensaver consuming power

I have just purchased the latest gen kindle paper-white (2016 300ppi) and received a case with a magnetic cover. Doing a little testing with the magnet in the corner, I can see that even when I turn ...
myol's user avatar
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Good ereader for hand-written notes

I need an e-ink screen I can look at all day without getting my eyes sore (no more than I would on a book, at least). I need it to study, so I'm about to read PDFs and DJVUs, consisting of scanned ...
Jeffrey Lebowski's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Media queries to distinguish between Kindle e-inks vs non-e-inks

I would like to separate styles (colors) for e-ink Kindles and the rest. It could be quite easy if monochrome or color queries worked. As far as I know, I have to use a workaround. It is said Kindle ...
Honza Hejzl's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Did Kindle contrast get better or is my old Kindle growing old?

I have a 4th generation (iirc) basic Kindle which I bought new. My mom has a newer, also basic, Kindle that is now one year old, also bought new. The screen of her Kindle looks lighter / whiter than ...
Pwassonne's user avatar
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What is Best ebook reader for reading mathematics texts? [closed]

I want to know what is the best user-friendly ebook reader for reading mathematics text books. It should use e-ink display and should be able to read pdf and djvu files, text, scanned text, images.
Kaushik's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What is the technology behind e-Ink and why is it mostly used in e-readers?

I would like to know the technology behind e-Ink and why is it used mostly in e-readers? Why can't it be used in mobiles?
user3736290's user avatar
8 votes
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Is Amazon planning an alternative to the Kindle DX?

Over the past four years, I have loved my Kindle DX because of its large screen, which has been very helpful for reading PDFs. The keyboard has also been helpful. It's e-ink, which is easy on the eyes....
zx81's user avatar
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16 votes
7 answers

Are there any rugged ebook readers out there?

The ebook readers that I have used are all somewhat flimsy. I am looking for a device I can take along when camping this summer, without having to fear too much for breaking it along the way. Not ...
tjk's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Is there any e-ink technology that can display colors?

I had opportunity to buy a Kindle Paperwhite and I was looking for an equivalent which support colors. Amazon have the Kindle Fire but it is a tablet technology which is not comparable to the e-ink. ...
рüффп's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Screen protection for eReader

Is it useful or advisable to get screen protection for eReader? Also does anti-reflective layer makes any good or bad difference with the eInk screen?
Vladimir's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Why are there so few color e-ink devices on the market in 2014?

The Wikipedia article on e-ink indicates that the technology exists to provide thousands of colors on e-ink display. As I understand it most (all?) of the the 'multi-touch color display' screens are ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

When should I completely poweroff an eink device rather than putting it in stand-by?

Given that the technology of eink screens make it so that even during normal usage the power requirement is kept lower than other kind of displays, when it is advisable to completely shut-down the ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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What does the extremely fragile glass do in Kindle3's pearl e-ink display?

I've recently seen two great tutorials that disassemble the Kindle 3 for repairing. One is this great Fix your broken Kindle Keyboard Screen tutorial by ghwhitcher, and the other is the Amazon Kindle ...
n611x007's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How much of the power does the screen of e-Ink device consume?

On Android smartphones, when you look into Power settings, it shows a neat usage graph, which usually looks like this (my phone has very similar #s right now): ================ 40%+ Screen ==== 10% ...
DVK's user avatar
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20 votes
6 answers

Are there any free open-source custom firmwares for e-ink devices?

I'm curious if there are custom firmwares for e-ink devices similar to what Rockbox (website, wikipedia) is for digital audio players.
Sekhemty's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Do e-ink devices suffer from burn-in?

Back in the bad old days of CRT computer monitors, computer users were confronted with the problem of burn-in, in which a monitor that displayed the same image for too long would eventually have the ...
senshin's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How practical is it to learn to develop apps for e-ink Kindles?

I provide e-ink kindles to schools in Kenya (10 schools so far) where we also help the schools acquire relevant ebooks for teaching the pupils based on curriculum topics. We'd like to develop apps for ...
JulianHarty's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

How to use the e-ink Kindle readers to display photos?

The Kindle e-readers that lack full color displays also lack an app for displaying photos. Is there a way to get a series of photos to display? I realize they will be displayed in monochrome / ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Is the Triton eInk display a viable option for future ereaders?

The new Triton display by eInk Technologies allows eInk screens to display color. This would be very useful for features like images and highlighting. Is it a viable option for mainstream ereader ...
Ian's user avatar
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