Does anyone have an ePub converter that actually saves in HTML5? I have tried Kotobee Author and Calibre but they save in HTML 4/XHTML. An update of the Mozilla Composer/SeaMonkey IDE (Internet Developer Environment) came out in Feb. 2018 but that also saves in HTML 4. A lot of IDEs and ePub apps claim to support HTML5 but save to HTML 4. Any suggestions? I don't want to manually migrate my code to HTML5 and then have the ePub converter wrap it as HTML 4. Or am I making too big a deal of this? Thanks, in advance.
3 Answers
Try using Pandoc. I am not sure how "correct" is the HTML5...
$ pandoc file.epub -t html5 -s > file.html
Pandoc is open source. sudo apt install pandoc
if not previously installed.
Without -s
just the body
's content is generated.
(Several options available to control html output)