I'm converting an InDesign document to Epub. I'm using Microsoft Edge as the epub reader (that might be a mistake...). Edge is open in an approximately 1280x1024 window and is showing two "pages" of text at a time. Rolling the mouse button "turns pages."

My problem occurs with this turn-page context that Edge is using. Rather than simply scrolling through an entire chapter, it's imposing the context of a book. Consequently, a subheader may appear on the last line of the right-hand "page" with its associated text block on the next page.

My Subheader
Lorem ipsum...


My Subheader

And then you turn the "page" to find

Lorem ipsum...

From this question I learned about page-break-inside: avoid; and page-break-before: always;, but those appear to be block-level CSS attributes, forcing me to decide with how much of the following text the subheader must be grouped. E.G.,

<div style="page-break-inside: avoid;"><p class="subhead-01">My Subheader</p>
<p class="normal">Lorem ipsum</div>...</p>

Now, I know I'm wishing for world peace, but is there a CSS attribute I would assign to the subheader block that affectively means, "keep this block with the first line of the next block"? Something along the lines of:

<p class="subhead-01" style="keep-with: next-line;">My Subheader</p>
<p class="normal">Lorem ipsum...</p>

2 Answers 2


page-break-after: avoid should work, if the reading system supports it.


This worked for me. Create a new div


div.Heading-Block {
  display: block;
  break-inside: avoid;


<div class="Heading-Block">
      <p class="Heading-2">Your subheader</p>
      <p class="BodyText">Your paragraph</p>

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