I've just received a kindle. I bought a book on Google Play Book.
I downloaded the book from play book in .ascn, converted to PDF with the adobe program, removed the DRM.
Now I have a working PDF (I can see correctly on my macbook), but is bigger than 50MB, and I can't upload with send to kindle program. I compressed it and obtained a 28MB that I tried to upload to the kindle, but I didn't receive the book. I also tried with send to kindle through mail @kindle.com but I received an error response mail.
Gentile Cliente,
Non è stato possibile consegnare il seguente documento inviato in data 05:57 PM alle ore gio, ott 13, 2016 GMT, al Kindle specificato: * ldm.pdf
Con il Servizio Documenti Personali Kindle puoi convertire e inviare i seguenti formati di file: Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) Rich Text Format (.rtf) HTML (.htm, .html) Documenti di testo (.txt) Documenti archiviati (zip , x-zip) e documenti archiviati compressi Mobi
What can be the issue?