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Unanswered Questions

17 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
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How to download highlighted text on Kobo Aura HD?

I often highlight words that I don't know on my Kobo Aura HD, so that I can come back to them later. Is there any way for me to download the list of highlighted words onto my computer? A file on the ...
4 votes
1 answer

☒ <- this is the only text displayed in epub on kobo

Having issues with ebooks, some new ones, and some that worked perfectly before (about a week ago). In the text sections throughout the book, I see either and only "☒" or "_☒". All ...
3 votes
0 answers

How do I side load a zip containing images of different formats to a Kobo Aura H2O?

The usual way I side load books to my Kobo Aura H2O is with Calibre. I have zip files containing images with different formats, for instance JPEG, GIF, or PNG. The exact formats don't seem to matter....
3 votes
0 answers

How can I stop my Kobo Glo from selecting a book for me?

When I have finished a book but not started a new one, and then my ereader goes to sleep, it opens a new book (seemingly at random) so it has a cover to display on the sleeping screen (as I have ...
2 votes
1 answer

can't mount kobo libra 2 on osx

The reader shows up in Disk Utility, but with no free space (even after a factory reset). If I try to mount it I get the error Could not mount “KOBOeReader”. ( error -...
2 votes
0 answers

Kobo Aura SE: Images and dark mode is not shown correctly

that's more than a year that I have this problem. First of all my device is Kobo Aura 2nd edition (that little one), I can remember my kobo was working fine I had recognized that when I connected my ...
2 votes
0 answers

How do I get epubs from my Inbox to my PC Kobo?

Not interested in eReaders. I just want to take epubs in my mailbox and put the into my desktop Kobo.
2 votes
0 answers

Kobo Aura and style

I have created an ebook with a lot of figures, and Calibre viewer shows them correctly. A friend of mine however complained that many figures showed really large on his Kobo Aura One, and he sent me ...
2 votes
0 answers

Replace existing EPUB-files on Kobo with KEPUB-files

I bought many different epubs over the years and transfered them to my KOBO (h2o) using Calibre. With the latest update there is a new feature (fast scroll) which I'd love to use on my Kobo. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Images poor in Kobo

I am creating an eBook with images. They appear OK on an iphone, but small and blurry in my Kobo. Is this a Kobo issue?
2 votes
0 answers

how to read code part of technical book on kobo

I have many technical ebooks with coding examples but it's unreadable because there's no scrollbar and many lines are longer than my ebook screen. I have tried to change it in an open ebook by adding ...
2 votes
0 answers

How can I prevent a new Kobo reader from downloading all my books?

I have a lot of books I have purchased from Kobo, and I know that when you get a new reader you have to connect it to a Kobo account (or other social media accounts). I want to connect it to my Kobo ...
2 votes
0 answers

Convert Hebrew .docx to epub (for Kobo)

I have a .docx file of a rough draft of a book in Hebrew that I would like to read on my Kobo. I have tried the following things: I tried converting it to epub so that I could read it on my ereader ...
2 votes
0 answers

On a Kobo Glo how do you change the desktop/screen saver?

I have recommended books from Kobo on the screen saver/desktop and I want to delete it as well as a few other things. Is there a 'manage your desktop' facility?
1 vote
0 answers

How to retain history (e.g. last reading positions) after batch converting .epubs using kepubify

I have copied my entire library of my Kobo Libra reader to my hard drive and used kepubify to convert all the regular epubs to the kepub format (specifically the command kepubify-windows-64bit.exe --...

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