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Can my self published book on Amazon KDP, be distributed via other channels?

Yes, in most cases, you retain the rights to your self-published book, and you can choose to distribute it through other channels besides Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). However, you should ...
Digital Milan's user avatar
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How can I print an image-only ebook as a physical book?

Download a PDF of the book and take it to Kinko's (in the US) which will print one-off books for you. Office stores like Office Max also have low-volume printing services there too. Professional ...
Bulrush's user avatar
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How can I print an image-only ebook as a physical book?

You can print the file easily with as a printed book. I believe they have a manufacturing facility in the U.S. and the U.K. and can ship globally. The fact that your pdf is an image file ...
user26732's user avatar
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Service to nicely print a huge E-textbook?

This is a shopping/recommendation question, which is generally not appropriate for this site. I have to assume that you want the printed book for personal use and not to sell to other people. I also ...
idiotprogrammer's user avatar
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Is there any way to get a discounted ebook if I already have the book?

There's a new service called which does exactly what you say. It's a little convoluted. You have to photograph your bookshelf with your phone, and it will offer reduced price on the ebook. ...
idiotprogrammer's user avatar

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