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15 votes

Command line extraction of metadata (title. author) from epub file

exiftool can read (but not write) epub meta data. For example exiftool -T -Title main.epub
pheon's user avatar
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5 votes

How to change text alignment with Calibre book editor

You can use a CSS style to apply this formatting to all your text: body { text-align: left; } This rule will be applied to all your text, so it will affect both regular paragraphs (<p> and ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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5 votes

Does .epub support inline links?

Yes, you can do that, .epub books are basically made of HTML and CSS, so if you have knowledge of these languages, in theory you can manually build an .epub from scratch (but the norm is to use ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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4 votes

Command line extraction of metadata (title. author) from epub file

with Calibre's ebook-meta Example output of ebook-meta unixpowertools.epub: Title : UNIX Power Tools, 3rd Edition Author(s) : Jerry Peek, Shelley Powers, Tim O’Reilly & ...
Matthias Braun's user avatar
4 votes

Command line extraction of metadata (title. author) from epub file

To print out epub metadata, exiftool yourbook.epub To edit the metadata, you'd need to unzip it and then zip it back again, as mentioned by others, epub is just a zip file mkdir tempfolder mv ...
GypsyCosmonaut's user avatar
4 votes

How to alternate row colors of tables in ePub files

You can use the following CSS rules to style respectively even or odd table rows (See the Example on W3schools): tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #f2f2f2 } tr:nth-child(odd) { ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I use Google Docs to write an ebook for Kindle?

Yes. You can write. Here are my experiences. MS Word approach I exported the manuscript as .DOCX. This format worked best for me. I faced serious problems with .epub and .pdf formats. Caveat - If ...
Sau001's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I prevent a widowed/orphaned header?

I would use h4 {page-break-after: avoid;} p { widows: 2; orphans: 2; } I think this works for Kindles as well as epubs. This is just example code. My guess is that this is structured content ...
idiotprogrammer's user avatar
3 votes

How can I prevent a widowed/orphaned header?

According to this blog article, you should use the display: inline-block property on a div selector that encloses your header and paragraph. Here is an excerpt from the said article: If you set ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I split chapters with CSS?

It can be accomplished with the page-break-after (link) or page-break-before (link) CSS properties. Pretty obviously, these create a page break after or before the element that they are applied on. ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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3 votes

Version control for writing ebooks

Git can be used, but if you use with epub, or any other kind of archive files then you will not get a meaningful diff between versions, just store each version of the ebook. You can use Git wit ...
Bence László's user avatar
2 votes

Command line extraction of metadata (title. author) from epub file

Ok, so since nobody has ANY info on this online and this is the top search results. Here is what you are looking for. exiftool -a -u -g1 nameofthe.epub. This line gives you a giant output of all the ...
SuperMar1o's user avatar
2 votes

Should every paragraph tag have a CSS style (InDesign)?

There is no need to give every paragraph a class, the definition at 1. will apply to every paragraph, with or without a tag, and only on paragraphs that are directly below a footnote the settings ...
Anthon's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I use bold and italics tags?

I have never used Adobe Indesign, but I'm guessing that when they spit out html they use the italic and bold html tags. My guess is that in Adobe Indesign you are not seeing a separate font at all but ...
idiotprogrammer's user avatar
2 votes

Are image subfolders allowed in Sigil?

After doing more research, I've learned that Calibre allows subfolders in the Images folder but Sigil doesn't. There are some suggestions that you can tweak Sigil to allow subfolders, but I haven't ...
WordBear's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I use Google Docs to write an ebook for Kindle?

There are many ways to produce Kindle .mobi files. One method is to create a MS Word file and to convert it to a .mobi file (using Calibre or Amazon's own suggestions).
idiotprogrammer's user avatar
2 votes

want to convert OCR PDF to computer font

The problem is that the original image of the text is "in front" of the actual digital text of the PDF. Figure 1: How layers are stacked in a PDF PDF is composed of overlapping visible and ...
Mavaddat Javid's user avatar
1 vote

Edits aren't being saved in Calibre

For safest saving work with text in the text field, whether in special programs (Calibre, Sigil) or writing a simple post in a discussion or forum, it is good to copy this text(ctrl + c)and paste(ctrl ...
Stilgar Dragonclaw's user avatar
1 vote

How does Project Gutenberg structure their epubs?

Looks like indeed this was created with some automatic tool. I was snooping around the file in the Miscellaneous folder and found content.opf which has a bunch of traces of this Split on p operation ...
jxramos's user avatar
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1 vote

Downscaled screenshots of HTML tables look blurry. Why?

Sekhemty already gave a good answer. I just wanted to throw out further thoughts. First, issues of rendering HTML tables and images are less severe on tablets with bigger screens. You can put a note ...
idiotprogrammer's user avatar
1 vote

Downscaled screenshots of HTML tables look blurry. Why?

I don't think that you can really "fix" this; representing text with a raster image and downscaling it means that it will be displayed with far less pixels that are required to provide a clean and ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I highlight visited anchors in an epub?

You can use these CSS styling for links. /* unvisited link */ a:link { color: green; } /* visited link */ a:visited { color:red; } /* mouse over link */ a:hover { color: blue; } /* selected link *...
Leon William's user avatar
1 vote

How can I highlight visited anchors in an epub?

You can use a couple CSS selectors to style links. a:link will select and style all unvisited links, while a:visited, surprisingly enough, will do the same with visited ones. Examples: a:link { ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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1 vote

How to alternate row colors of tables in ePub files

In HTML just set the fill colours on each row to alternating values some authoring software probably has a table style that does this for you but off the top of my head I can't say which. MS-Word used ...
Steve Barnes's user avatar
1 vote

Overriding Device Styles

Every device works in a different way, I don't think that there are standards regarding the programming of the software that they are equipped with. Besides that, almost every e-reading device and ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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1 vote

Sub-chapters based on h2 tags in ePub file

Calibre editor has a graphical interface that lets you edit the ToC of a given ebook file (the ToC editor itself is accesible also from the default window, without the need to open the full editor). ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I use bold and italics tags?

Old question, but I came in search of an answer and have some things to share on this topic! Adobe InDesign uses character or paragraph styles to format italics and bold, using a relevant font family,...
Coryl's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I use bold and italics tags?

I'm testing this with Calibre editor, I don't know if InDesign works the same, but html tags are the same regardless of the software. I can render a bold italic text in two ways, with <b> and &...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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1 vote

Importing XHTML Files into InDesign

After doing some more research, it appears that X/HTML files can NOT be imported into InDesign. The best you can do is use InDesign to create a framework for your epub, export it as an epub, then use ...
WordBear's user avatar
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