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6 votes

Is there a way to share my Amazon eBook collection with other family members?

You can lend Kindle books to others through the Kindle store: "A Kindle book can only be loaned one ...
beaker's user avatar
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4 votes

How Does Amazon Kindle Renting work on *buntu/Linux Systems?

Perhaps renting works differently from buying/lending/borrowing ebooks, but all you do is to download the Kindle reading app on your device. Then, the rented item will magically appear after you ...
idiotprogrammer's user avatar
3 votes

How are Kindle standard pages calculated?

There is a plugin for Calibre called Count Pages. It can estimate page and word counts for a given ebook, using various algorithms, and one of them is an APNX estimation based on Amazon Kindle. You ...
Sekhemty's user avatar
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3 votes

How are Kindle standard pages calculated?

This can be really hard to estimate without narrowing your question down a bit. But I just measured a text-heavy book to determine: Mobile Phone App 852 characters 26 lines On a small e-ink ...
idiotprogrammer's user avatar
3 votes

Can one use two Amazon accounts on one Kindle?

I asked the same question to an Amazon customer service. The answer I got was NO. I did recommended them to design a way to allow users to link their multiple accounts in whatever countries. What I'...
David H. J.'s user avatar
3 votes

Can't download ebook from Amazon to my PC

After several hours of frustration and searching in internet (seriously, after like 3 hours), suddenly I remember the console. Hit F12 to open Chrome console and what a surprise: an error: Mixed ...
Nox's user avatar
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2 votes

Can you use a Kindle without an Amazon account?

Yes, you can use a Kindle (at least Kindles that are several years old) without an Amazon account. I got a secondhand Kindle that is probably ~4-5 years old. I connected to wifi to deregister the ...
jub's user avatar
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2 votes

Are Tor Ebooks DRM Free?

I have purchased several Tor books on Google Play that are DRM-free and they work perfectly. Before buying, look for the "This content is DRM free" label in the book details. Then, after purchase, ...
Dean Serenevy's user avatar
2 votes

What commands can be given in the Kindle's search box?

";dm" gets you the device logs, checked on kindle paperwhite 1, very useful
Sergey's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I use Kindle to read research papers?

Actually you can have a try on this service I made recently. It will optimize the layout into a kindle readable format using k2pdfopt, with additional two column paper format support. Link: http://...
Young Woo's user avatar
2 votes

How do I download DRM-free books from Amazon?

My recent experience with Amazon is that they add DRM to their books, even when the publisher doesn't require it. I bought a DRM free book (published by Tor) from Amazon. I executed the following (...
Jonathan Benn's user avatar
2 votes

When an Amazon account contains more than 1023 purchased Kindle books, how do you access the books beyond the 1023rd book?

This sounds like a limitation of the software, so you probably won't be able to get around it from the device. First, I recommend reporting this as a bug to Amazon. Don't expect them to fix it right ...
corvidism's user avatar
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2 votes

How to download & transfer from Kindle or to PC

The documented way is to use the Kindle PC app and download the book inside that. The file will end up on your PC and only readable in the Kindle. The current versions download the book as a .kfx file ...
mmmmmm's user avatar
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2 votes

Can eBooks deleted from Kindle Cloud be 'repurchased' for free?

It's probably rather late for this answer, but Amazon customer service reps do have the ability to get back books you've accidentally deleted. In my case, I was deleting old personal docs, got ...
Kyralessa's user avatar
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2 votes

how to view the download queue for a Kindle

[Note: I know this thread is old, but I found it via a web search and have an answer for people in the future who find it that way as well.] There does not appear to be a built-in app, menu item, or ...
Chad Cloman's user avatar
2 votes

collection shows as empty and refuses to populate -- not syncing properly

I think I see the problem (or one problem at least). I have a massive set of collections on the kindle app for android. (Like 50 collections holding 2000 or more ebooks). But when I install the ...
idiotprogrammer's user avatar
2 votes

If you purchased this item from Amazon, delete the item and download it from the Cloud

Most likely you downloaded a partial file or it was corrupted somehow. Just delete it from your device and try again. (Alternatively, remove it by going to Manage Your Content and Devices. Don't ...
idiotprogrammer's user avatar
2 votes

If you purchased this item from Amazon, delete the item and download it from the Cloud

I had the same problem. I contacted Amazon to solve it. The problem was a software update. Apparently, my kindle did not update vis wifi, so I updated it via manually via their website.
Mahmoud's user avatar
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2 votes

Can't find books I have bought

Go to Manage your content and devices and verify that these ebooks are listed. If you have uploaded content instead of purchasing them, I may have to change the dropdown from Books to Docs. Piece ...
idiotprogrammer's user avatar
2 votes

Typical time needed to transfer books to Kindle 10th Paperwhite via email

I have had anything that resembles a commercial book be silently rejected, while clearly non-commercial documents (personal documents, scraped web serial novels) go through successfully (in about ...
Phoenix's user avatar
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1 vote

History of my book's bestseller ranking on Amazon?

You might find a third party tool to do this:
idiotprogrammer's user avatar
1 vote

Publishing an ebook for free on Kindle Direct Publishing?

It is possible, though there are certain conditions. If you publish with KDP and sign up for Kindle Unlimited, it will allow you to make the title free for a limited time (it used to be 2 days out ...
idiotprogrammer's user avatar
1 vote

How to load large mobi files on a Kindle e-reader?

Usually a .mobi file actually includes a couple copies of the book in different formats. Is the .mobi file much larger (like, multiple times) than the epub file? This is the giveaway. The KindleStrip ...
b_q's user avatar
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1 vote

Kindle Cloud Reader can't open this book

The Kindle Cloud Reader is a Kindle Web App which anables us read Kindle books online. As my own guess, Amazon use this web app to allow us to read kindle books online, and most of those contents are ...
user13525's user avatar
1 vote

Can't find Kindle book after download from amazon

C:\Users(your user name)\Documents\My Kindle Content
user13478's user avatar
1 vote

Can't find Kindle book after download from amazon

found the location of the files in the tools menu.
Bill F's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it legal to create an ebook from the book I bought and sell it?

No. And since an answer requires 30 characters, no again.
Carl's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I publish my book (paperback) using createSpace if I already initiated paperback and published Kindle edition in Amazon?

I don't know if Createspace works in India, but Amazon controls that company too. It's fairly easy to find a local company produce the print books somewhere to be sold on Amazon. In my opinion, I ...
idiotprogrammer's user avatar
1 vote

My Amazon book does not have links from ToC to chapters, why?

Piece of advice. When troubleshooting, I would make your output an epub file to make it easier to see what is wrong. An epub can be unzipped (you have to change the file extension --- so you can ...
idiotprogrammer's user avatar

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