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Questions tagged [usability]

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Looking for a PDF reader for Windows with good usability in tablet mode

I have a Surface Pro 7, and when I bought it, I intended to use it for reading A4 sized PDF books. Now I find that I almost never do so, because of low app usability. The features I am looking for in ...
rumtscho's user avatar
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6 votes
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Kindle Oasis: increase contrast for non-black text and images

I have a Kindle Oasis where the text and image contrast is normally great. But now I'm reading a book (ironically it's Universal Principles of Design) that has hundreds of images which are followed ...
Jakub Roztocil's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Are there studies on whether reading in landscape or portrait mode is better on smartphone size screen?

Are there studies on the whether it's better to read ebooks in landscape or portrait mode on typical smartphone screen? "Ebook" here implies that the text fills up most of the page with free reflow (e....
DVK's user avatar
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4 votes
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Are there studies on the optimal amount of rows/columns per page?

Are there studies on the optimal amount of rows/columns per page as far as usability ease of reading of large ebooks (e.g. hundred+ pages)? I can see at least three distinct factors playing into this ...
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