Questions tagged [svg]

SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics), is an XML-based two-dimensional vector graphics format.

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1 answer

How to convert all SVG images to PNG images in an EPUB file

Is there a way to convert all of the SVG images in an EPUB file into PNG images? I want to do this because few EPUB readers have full support for SVG (most readers only implement a subset of SVG).
Flux's user avatar
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7 votes
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SVG covers: which size must be used?

I'm planning to convert some books I wrote to the ebook format. The covers were made by me in SVG using Inkscape, without any embedded raster image, and the text is converted to paths, so I don't ...
Marco Bernardini's user avatar
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SVG in azw3 for kindle paperwhite always going to new page

I made svg file in illustrator and I am trying to put it inline in azw3 book with calibre. svg is 680x100. But everything I do put this svg on new page on kindle. Or this picture is deformed. Is ...
Vasoli's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How well is SVG (being a "pixel image" alternative) supported?

I didn't mention it in my previous question because it's an image format made of vectors, but would SVG provide a usable alternative for non-pixel images like illustrations? If, how well is SVG ...
e-sushi's user avatar
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