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Questions tagged [djvu]

DjVu is an open file format designed primarily for scanned documents.

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17 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to read DjVu files on a 4th gen Kindle?

DJVU format is a very good format both in terms of file size an readability. Is there a way that I can read DjVu files on a 4th generation Kindle?
Eduard Florinescu's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Conversion of djvu file into pdf file without increasing file size

Why does converting a djvu file to pdf increase the size of the file? How can we convert a djvu to a pdf without increasing the size?
Four Seasons's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

How to create DjVu format with selectable text?

DjVu is efficient at compression, but sometimes the text becomes an image and non-selectable. Is there anyway to make sure that the text remains selectable? Which program should I use for this ...
amarprabhu's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Scaling all pages in a PDF or DJVU file to the same size

I have a couple of PDFs and DJVU documents that I want to read on an ereader (namely, Kobo Touch). However, the size of the pages differ, between cover and actual content, and even between two ...
andrepd's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Convert PNG to DJVU

How can I convert PNG to DjVu? I only know how to convert JPEG or PPM to DjVu using DjVuLibre. I'm using Windows 8.1.
hans-t's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

is DjVu still useful as a format for ebooks?

I found DjVu very useful as a format for saving scanned text, especially if together with a text layer processed with OCR so that text is searchable. For old books no more in commerce, that's often ...
mau's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

how to convert djvu files to some files?

I want convert a djvu file to six pages, for example, how to convert a file with 504 pages to 84 files with 6 pages?
niksirat's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Does something about DjVu prevent making a free viewer on iOS?

Is there something about the technology and rights to the DjVu ebook format that explains why it's only available for iPhone by purchasing an app or by making an in-app purchase in a free app? I saw ...
minopret's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How insert the outline (the bookmarks) into DjVu

How insert the outline (the bookmarks) into DjVu file for easier browsing in a document using the DjVuLibre library? With such a structure: "TOC" level 1 => link to pageNumber "Chapter name" level 1 ...
Stilgar Dragonclaw's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

PDF vs DjVu benefits and disadvantages

What's the point of these two ebook formats? The quality and file size of the ebooks tend to be near identical and ereaders for these aren't exotic at all. Why would you choose one over the other?
Irregular User's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to edit the bookmarks of a DjVu file

I know how to add bookmarks into a DjVu file: How insert the outline (the bookmarks) into DjVu But ...
Flux's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Different size pages in DJVU book

I have a djvu book that has different sized pages. How can I solve this by making all pages to same size. I am familiar with Python programming and I'm ready to try it. Any advise is appreciated.
Rene Duchamp's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

how to convert djvu files to some files? and use djvused command [duplicate]

when i use this command: djvused aaa.djvu -e 'select 10; save-page-with b.djvu' output is: D:\Program Files\DjVuLibre>djvused aaa.djvu -e 'select 10; save-page-with b.djvu' Simple DjVu file ...
niksirat's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to read DjVu files on Kindle?

I want to be able to read DjVu files on my kindle. I don't want to convert DjVu to PDF or MOBI. Is there a way I can do this?
Arpan Biswas's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Redefining "Page 1" in a djvu or pdf document

For context, I'm a graduate student and I rely on the indexes of digitized books pretty heavily. It is annoying that the page numbers in djvu/pdf files almost always fail to align with those of the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Creating DjVu files similar to those used to make unfortunately no longer generates DjVu files, but how did they generate them when they did? How can I generate my own DjVu files, replicating the settings they use: FORM:DJVU [81493] ...
Geremia's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

What is Best ebook reader for reading mathematics texts? [closed]

I want to know what is the best user-friendly ebook reader for reading mathematics text books. It should use e-ink display and should be able to read pdf and djvu files, text, scanned text, images.
Kaushik's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Is it possible to move links or ocr layer from a djvu file to another one?

I have two similar copies of a text in djvu format: – one copy has an OCR layer; – the other copy has various convenient links in the "Contents" and "Subject index" pages, linking ...
pglpm's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Adding metadata to DjVu

How can I add metadata to a DjVu file? Desired result: $ exiftool sample.djvu | grep -P "^===|Title|Author" Title : Group Theory and Physics Author ...
Mateen Ulhaq's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to remove white space from the text layer in DjVu

How to remove spaces and tabs from the text layer in DjVu document for better text search using the DjVuLibre library? By removing unnecessary characters (and their xml tags), also the file size is ...
Stilgar Dragonclaw's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to open/convert a DJVU file of a math textbook which contains equations?

I have found that some archived versions of old textbooks use DJVU files. From what I understand, the DJVU file only contains text, but perhaps I am wrong about that and there is some additional image ...
John's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

How can I read my djvu books on kobo aura one

It prompts me: no rendering component parsed this document, when I read my djvu books in kobo aura one. Oh, I installed koreader in kobo aura one.I think I should move a file to kobo aura one, but I ...
Zuo's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Good ereader for hand-written notes

I need an e-ink screen I can look at all day without getting my eyes sore (no more than I would on a book, at least). I need it to study, so I'm about to read PDFs and DJVUs, consisting of scanned ...
Jeffrey Lebowski's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Batch conversion of arbitrary formats to djvu, mobi, epub - not with calibre

I have a few thousand files, mostly PDF, many postscript, that I need to convert to several other formats. I can't use calibre (don't get me started) - I have considered writing scripts to dump pages ...
user400344's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Duplicate pages in djvu without significant file size grow

I have a multipage djvu document with several pages which in fact are same. These are usually pages "for notes" at the end of document. Or empty pages without content between chapters. They are all ...
truf's user avatar
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