When shopping from Kobo Store, how can one determine if a book is encumbered with DRM? And also to determine what kind of DRM is used?
I.E., there is an italian publisher called Newton & Compton that uses a watermark social DRM. For example, if you take the Sherlock Holmes Omnibus on their site, under the tab informazioni aggiuntive
it is labeled as protected with watermark
; on bookrepublic, another italian store, the same book is labelled as protected with Social DRM
(the same thing as watermark); but on Kobo Books, I can't see the DRM specifications anywhere on the page.
Also, ebooks from LiberLiber (a site similar to Project Gutenberg but with a focus on italian works) are offered without any protection; it is reflected, in example, on bookrepublic, where ebooks are clearly labeled as DRM free
. Again, on Kobo Store I can't get any information about this.
Is it possible to determine in some way what kind of protection have the books when shopping from Kobo Store without having to rely on other stores or publisher's sites?
And I am correct to assume that Kobo uses the same DRM restrictions of the original publisher (i.e. watermark for Newton & Compton and DRM-free for LiberLiber)? Or does it apply its own kind, without any notice to the end user?