I recently saved my library of kindle ebooks onto a flash drive (I got my nephew to do it for me). I have the file saved on my desktop now and it's quite a few books (10 gigs). Now I have windows 8 and have the kindle app but have not the slightest idea on how to save all these books to the kindle app locally, without using the internet. The books are in a folder format of Author - titles - data. So I have 1 folder called Kindle, in this folder i have countless folders of the names of all the authors I have and in each of those the titles of the books by that author and in that I have the data for that specific book which is 3 different files; a '.opf' , '.mobi' and a '.jpg'. Now these I presume are the cover the book itself and the mobile version?
Anyways I really would just like to copy this file locally so that I can browse my books on the kindle app.