I have a Hebrew ebook in epub format; I would like to convert it to mobi, since I read exclusively on my Kindle. Hebrew reads right-to-left.

Kindle supports Hebrew ebooks (I have often used Tinderizer to send Hebrew articles to my Kindle). I tried converting this ebook to .mobi using Calibre, the book looked fine in Calibre's View specific format preview window, but on my actual Kindle device, the RTL-format was messed up - each word was readable (individual characters RTL as expected), but the words themselves were in the wrong order (LTR).

Is there a way I can convert my file into a readable .mobi file?

  • I converted from pdf to azw3, and the email with which I sent it to my kindle account got bounced back. Why didn't it work for me?
    – user4215
    Commented Jan 31, 2015 at 22:54
  • @ScottSpiegler: Welcome to the EBooks Stack Exchange (SE) site! The SE sites are not a typical forum format where posts follow a conversation format. Rather answers should directly address the original poster's question. I have converted your answer to a comment (alternatively you could ask your own question). Please check out the 2 minute help tour ebooks.stackexchange.com/tour and feel free to explore the help in more detail ebooks.stackexchange.com/help. There is also a chat site better suited for conversational style q/a chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/12058/the-appendix
    – Jason Down
    Commented Feb 1, 2015 at 13:31

1 Answer 1


According to Kovid Goyal ( creator of Calibre) you need to convert to azw3 instead of mobi.


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