Could you advise an open sourceOpen Source method (platform, software) for createcreating an online library? I want to create online librarya rather simple: online library that will provide an opportunity to download the file of book (pdf, djvu, doc, docx) completely (so, not necessarily for readreading the book inon the Internet, onlybut rather for downloaddownloading the total file). SomeI would also like to provide some simple opportunities forto search for books (by title, author, theme). All books I'm going to locate onwill be located in thematic sections (it may look, possibly just like a list on one page: thematic setion -as lists with the books in the alphabetical order).
I'll do itbe doing this for the professional community, and the general topic of the library will be dedicated to the Nature ConcervationConservation work (all different aspects of this issue). Also, we will place therethese books in view of copyright protection (with the permission of the authors, and with books ofthat have open access and oldas well as older publications).
I am not a specialist in web-creating and programming, that's why I tryI'm trying to find something rather simple, but acceptable to do this.